India Slams Pak For Raising Kashmir At SAARC Video Call On Coronavirus2Photo©

India Slams Pak For Raising Kashmir At SAARC Video Call On Coronavirus

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India slammed Pakistan on Thursday for raising Kashmir during a SAARC video-conference earlier this week, saying it was not a political platform, but a humanitarian one, and Islamabad "misused" it.

Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) Spokesperson Raveesh Kumar also said the emergency SAARC fund proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to combat coronavirus was operationalised and India had received requests from member countries for assistance.

"A crisis of this magnitude does not recognise borders. In this spirit, the prime minister had called the SAARC video-conference on coronavirus. The platform was not political, but humanitarian. They misused it," Kumar said on Pakistan raising Kashmir during the video-conference.