ICMR releases dietary recommendations for Indians6Photo© hindustantimes.com

ICMR releases dietary recommendations for Indians

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Protein powders, commonly derived from sources like eggs, dairy milk, whey, and various plant-based sources such as soybeans, peas, and rice, have gained popularity as dietary supplements. However, the ICMR warned that these products may contain added sugars, non-caloric sweeteners, and artificial flavourings, rendering them less conducive to overall health when consumed regularly.

Of particular concern is whey protein, which is rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Recent evidence suggests a link between high BCAA intake and an increased risk of certain non-communicable diseases (NCDs), according to ICMR, prompting health experts to advise moderation in consumption.

The research body said that adequate non-protein energy from carbohydrates and fats is essential for dietary proteins/amino acids to be utilized for protein synthesis and for related functions in the body.