Replace NEET with State-based exam, Bengal Assembly urges State government5Photo©

Replace NEET with State-based exam, Bengal Assembly urges State government

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The Karnataka Assembly has passed a resolution against NEET, the National Entrance cum Eligibility Test. This resolution was introduced by State Minister of Medical Education and Skill Development, Sharan Prakash Patil. Sharan Prakash Patil urged that medical admissions should be on the basis of Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET).

The government said that the NEET examination system is significantly impacting medical education opportunities for underprivileged children from rural areas. It not only undermines the effectiveness of the school education system but also deprives state governments of their rights to admit students to state-managed medical colleges. As a result, they have called for the abolition of the NEET system.

This House demands the Centre to exempt Karnataka from this exam and allow admission in the medical colleges to the school students on the basis of the Common EntranceEntranceEntrance Test conducted by the State government and cancel the NEET system in view of the irregularities taking place nationwide and make essential amendments in the National Medical Commission Act, 2019 (Central Act 30 of 2019), the third resolution said.