US Has 'Some Concerns' Over India-Russia Military Engagement: Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell2Photo©

US Has 'Some Concerns' Over India-Russia Military Engagement: Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell

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The US has “some concerns” over India’s engagement with Russia in military and technology domains but at the same time Washington has confidence and trust in New Delhi to advance partnership in key areas, US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell said on Wednesday at a virtual media briefing that was focused on his and US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s visit to India last week.

“We have full and frank dialogue between the United States and India, and we discuss our mutual relationship with key countries and those include India’s relationship with Russia. I think we are seeking to develop a much deeper and stronger technological relationship between the United States and India. We are clear which areas are affected by the continuing relationship between India and Russia militarily and technologically,” said Campbell.

During the recent visit of the high-level American delegation to India, technology was at the heart of discussions. India is part of the small group of countries with which the US is working closely on technology.