Study estimates 11.9 lakh excess deaths in 2020 during pandemic, 8 times more than official5Photo©

Study estimates 11.9 lakh excess deaths in 2020 during pandemic, 8 times more than official

, 10 news, a view

The Union Health Ministry has rubbished reports highlighting a higher number of deaths in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic in India. The Ministry claims that the study, published in the Science Advances,was based on untenable and unacceptable estimates.

“It is strongly asserted that an excess mortality of about 11.9 lakh deaths reported in the Science Advances paper in 2020 over the previous year is a gross and misleading overestimate. It is noteworthy that excess mortality during the pandemic means an increase in deaths due to all causes, and cannot be equated with deaths that were directly caused by COVID-19,’‘ the Ministry said.

According to the Ministry, the paper reports results on age and sex, which are contrary to research and program data on COVID-19 in India. The paper claims that excess mortality was greater in females and in younger age groups (particularly 0-19 year old children).