Review: Citadel: Honey Bunny Misses The Bull's Eye By Miles
It hits the ground running all right but the mission of sustaining the momentum is an abject failure. Much of what Citadel: Honey Bunny attempts to do proves way too much for a script that, even at its best, can only laboriously inch its way forward - and backwards. Citadel: Honey Bunny is an Indian spinoff of Amazon Prime Video's Citadel Spyverse that was birthed last year in an espionage thriller series fronted by Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden and executive produced by the Russo brothers. While it has its share of action, it runs low on intrigue and suspense.
The series does not exactly go down in flames but neither does it have us holding our breath as its action set pieces explode on screen. It tries hard. The effort shows and mars the experience.
The Russo brothers are on board again, this time alongside another successful filmmaking pair - executive producers and directors Raj & DK - but the fare that they produce with Varun Dhawan and Samantha playing the titular agents makes heavy weather of the genre.