Punjab Launches Scheme For Doorstep Delivery Of 43 Government Services6Photo© hindustantimes.com

Punjab Launches Scheme For Doorstep Delivery Of 43 Government Services

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The scheme will provide hassle-free access to government to citizen (G2C) services with the launch of the doorstep delivery system. The initiative will bring all 43 critical G2C services such as certificates of birth and deaths, income, residence, caste, pensions, electricity bill payments and others right to the doorsteps of people across the state. People can avail the service by calling a dedicated helpline number 1076 and scheduling an appointment at their convenience.

The applicants will be informed about the documents required, applicable fee and others for the service to be availed and will receive an SMS with a list of documents required and date/time of appointment. Specially-trained personnel will visit their homes or offices at the scheduled time with tablets and complete the necessary paperwork, collect fee and give an acknowledgement receipt, with which people can track their application.

The scheme will not only enhance the convenience of people but also eradicate the role of middlemen thereby bringing in transparency, efficiency and citizen-centric governance.