Obama turns back clock for Kamala Harris: Yes, she can!5Photo© hindustantimes.com

Obama turns back clock for Kamala Harris: Yes, she can!

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It was a reminder of the campaign slogan in 2008 that propelled the first Black man to be the president of the United States. The rallying cry, this time, was for Kamala Harris, who, if elected, will be the first woman, the first Black woman, and the first person of Indian descent, to become America’s president.

But Obama’s electrifying address to the Democratic National Convention — a special site for him, for it was the 2004 convention that catapulted him to national prominence — went beyond the past. He mocked Donald Trump and portrayed him as a man solely interested in power for his own sake.

He offered a ringing endorsement of Harris, tracing her life and career, and portrayed her as committed to the American people at large. He spoke about the deeper social divisions aided by algorithms that had polarised the country, and insisted that America remain a “force for good” in the world.