Mumbai police collects nearly ₹89 lakh in fines on New Year celebrations4Photo©

Mumbai police collects nearly ₹89 lakh in fines on New Year celebrations

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Traffic challans worth a whopping Rs 89 lakh were issued in Mumbai on New Year's Eve as the cops in Maximum City kept a close on revellers breaking rules on the road. E-challans were issued for a total of 17,800 traffic offences as Mumbai rang in 2025 with grand parties.

The city's traffic police listed the different offences under which guilty drivers were fined. This list mentions 2,893 cases of obstructing the flow of traffic, 1,923 cases of riding without a helmet and 1,731 instances of jumping traffic signals. The list mentions 1,976 cases of refusal to ply public transport vehicles.

Speed limit violation attracted 842 challans and driving without seatbelts led to 432. A total of 153 challans were issued for drunk driving last night and using phones while driving led to 109 challans. Triple riding and driving on the wrong side led to 123 and 40 challans, respectively. Two challans were issued for dangerous driving. The total amount for which challans were issued is Rs 89,19,750.