Meet man who built Rs 2059 crore company after being in debt of Rs 6 crore, his business is…7Photo©

Meet man who built Rs 2059 crore company after being in debt of Rs 6 crore, his business is…

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Running a business is no easy feat; it requires navigating risks that can lead to serious repercussions. A single misstep can place considerable financial strain on you, affecting both your business and personal finances. The story of Amit Kumat, CEO and MD of Prataap Snacks Limited is also similar. Despite facing significant financial challenges, he persevered and successfully established a well-known brand in the Indian snack market.

Amit kickstarted his career in business by entering the chemical manufacturing sector. However, this decision quickly became a heavy financial burden, resulting in a debt of Rs 6 crore within just one year. Despite these daunting challenges, Amit remained resilient and faced each obstacle head-on.

Later, in early 2002, Amit decided to venture into the snack business in Indore. He reached out to his brother Apurva Kumat and friend Arvind Mehta. After convincing his family to invest Rs 15 lakh with the promise to repay them if the business didn’t succeed, the three of them began selling cheese balls.