'Egg On My Face': Shashi Tharoor On Opposing India's Stance On Russia-Ukraine War2Photo© hindustantimes.com

'Egg On My Face': Shashi Tharoor On Opposing India's Stance On Russia-Ukraine War

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Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Tuesday conceded that he was left with an egg on his face in opposing India's stance when the Russia-Ukraine war broke out and said due to the policy that was adopted, the country was now in a position where it could make a difference for lasting peace.

Tharoor had criticised India's stance when Russia attacked Ukraine and called for condemnation of the aggression.

The Congress MP said the policy adopted by India following the outbreak of the conflict meant that the country actually had a prime minister who can hug both the president of Ukraine and the president in Moscow two weeks apart and be accepted in both places.