Chaitra Navratri Day 2 bhog: Prasad recipe for Maa Brahmacharini8Photo©

Chaitra Navratri Day 2 bhog: Prasad recipe for Maa Brahmacharini

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Chaitra Navratri 2024 Day 2: The auspicious nine-day festival of Chaitra Navratri has begun with enthusiasm across the country. After celebrating Day 1 of Chaitra Navratri, worshipping Maa Shailputri, and performing Ghatasthapana rituals on April 9, Hindu devotees are ready for Day 2 of the holy festival on April 10.

Chaitra Navratri, which begins on the first day of the Hindu Luni-Solar Calendar, is dedicated to the worship of Maa Durga and her nine divine incarnations. On the second day of the festival (April 10), devotees worship Maa Brahmacharini. Know who is Maa Brahmacharini and the Day 2 significance, timings, shubh muhurat, rituals, colour, samagri, puja mantra, and more inside.

Chaitra Navratri 2024: Maa Brahmacharini is worshipped by Hindu devotees on Day 2 of Chaitra Navratri. (Pinterest)