Bengaluru Water Board Prohibits Use Of Cauvery, Borewell Water For Rain Dance, Pool Party During Holi3Photo©

Bengaluru Water Board Prohibits Use Of Cauvery, Borewell Water For Rain Dance, Pool Party During Holi

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Amid an unprecedented water crisis in Bengaluru, the city water board has advised residents not to use Cauvery and borewell water for pool parties and rain dances to celebrate Holi.

The board also said the Chinnaswamy Stadium will receive over 75,000 litres of treated water every day during the upcoming Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket matches in the city.

"Holi is a festival of celebrating Hindu culture. There's no issue with celebrating it at home and observing rituals. However, organizing entertainment like rain dances and pool parties for commercial purposes is not advisable at this time. Using Cauvery water and borewell water is prohibited in the public interest," the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) said, adding that no other restrictions have been imposed on the use of water during Holi.