Anti-terror agency approves jailed MP Engineer Rashid to take oath in Parliament10Photo©

Anti-terror agency approves jailed MP Engineer Rashid to take oath in Parliament

, 17 news, a view

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has given its consent to permit independent Lok Sabha MPLok Sabha MPLok Sabha MP Rashid Engineer to take oath in Parliament on July 5. According to news agency ANI, the NIA has said that the consent given to the jailed Kashmir leader is subject to certain conditions. As per the conditions, he is not allowed to interact with the media.

The Patiala House Court is to pass an order tomorrow, July 2. Rashid Engineer has sought interim bail or custody parole to take oath as an MP.

Rashid won the Baramulla Lok Sabha seat as an independent candidate in the recently concluded polls. He has been imprisoned in Tihar Jail since 2019.