ABP Live Green Vision Conclave 2024: Environmentalists Highlight The Power Of Digital Influence1Video© news.abplive.com

ABP Live Green Vision Conclave 2024: Environmentalists Highlight The Power Of Digital Influence

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ABP Live Green Vision Conclave 2024: Technology has helped us a lot in our journey of development. Social media emerged a decade back due to the advancement in technology and now it is proving to be the game changer for our goal of making India a clean and sustainable place. One might wonder though, how can social media help us in making India a green and sustainable country? The final discussion of the day will help you get answers to that question.

The tenth panel discussion titled, 'The Power of Digital Influence in Promoting Sustainability', was headlined by environmentalists and influencers who shared their stories of how social media played a significant part in their mission of making India aware and striving towards sustainability. The panel featured Sonam Mahajan Puri (Environment Influencer), Sagar Singh (Environmentalist), and Parth Goyal (Environment Influencer).

Sonam Mahajan Puri started her Instagram journey back in 2013 while talking about travel and soon when she became a mother, her content transitioned from being travel-related to parenting-related. Puri while talking about this said, "When I became a mother, that was the time when I started talking about parenting and parenting in a manner that we do not destroy the planet. As per research, when you become a parent, you start to destroy the planet because you create a lot of waste."