Woman shares her AI dating disaster with B'luru techie3Photo© hindustantimes.com

Woman shares her AI dating disaster with B'luru techie

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AI dating Controversy: A Reddit user shared a recent dating disaster she experienced. In her post, the user stated that she went on a date with someone she thought she hit it off with. She mentioned that she really liked the person, who, according to her, funny and entertaining. The user, who goes by the name ‘hustlegurrl,’ described it as a promising online connection that had all the elements of a romantic comedy.

But her dream broke when her date turned out to be a nightmare of “artificial” proportions. The girl found herself trapped in the crosshairs of an AI-assisted dating disaster.

“He could barely speak a proper sentence. Not that he was shy or awkward. It was the opposite. He was extremely confident and extroverted. But all that language and wit disappeared,” she wrote in her post.