India deploys MiG-29 fighter jets squadron at Srinagar to handle threats from enemies on both fronts7Photo1Video©

India deploys MiG-29 fighter jets squadron at Srinagar to handle threats from enemies on both fronts

, 7 news, a view

India deployed a squadron of enhanced MiG-29 fighter jets at the Srinagar air base to handle threats from both the Pakistani and Chinese fronts.

The MiG-21 — at the Srinagar base — has been replaced by the Tridents squadron, also called the ‘Defender of the North’. The Srinagar base has been responsible for tackling threats from Pakistan.

As Srinagar lies in the centre of the valley, its altitude is higher than plains, so it is better to place an aircraft with a higher weight-to-thrust ratio and lower response time considering the proximity to the border, said Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot Squadron Leader Vipul Sharma. “It is also equipped with better better avionics and long-range missiles. The MiG-29 fulfils all these criteria due to which we are capable of taking in the enemies on both fronts," he added.