Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Statements

Mirwaiz Umar Farooq - Latest statements from the press
Indian politician
“ While we urge for patience, at the same time we have to think whether this incident could have been averted. Why did it happen? There is an issue of connectivity as there is no bridge. Every day they…
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq,
Kashmir boat capsize tragedy: Day on, no trace of missing trio as…
“ Not only was the special status of J&K done away with, the statehood was snatched and the region divided. Ladakh was separated from J&K. Against the public’s wishes, new laws were unilaterally imposed…
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq,
Mirwaiz allowed to deliver Friday sermon after four years of ‘house…
“ To remain away from you for years, how difficult this time passed, nobody can imagine this. After the martyrdom of Shaheed e Millat ( Mirwaiz’s father), this was the toughest time for me.
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq,
Mirwaiz allowed to deliver Friday sermon after four years of ‘house…