Zerodha CEO Nithin Kamath Reveals He Suffered Mild Stroke 6 Weeks Ago7Photo©

Zerodha CEO Nithin Kamath Reveals He Suffered Mild Stroke 6 Weeks Ago

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Just like a heart attack, stroke involves a sudden disruption of blood flow to a vital organ hence, a stroke is often referred to as the "brain's heart attack" but even though the two health conditions share some similarities, they affect different organs and require different treatment approaches which makes it crucial to recognise their signs and symptoms especially after Zerodha's founder Nithin Kamath started the conversation around a ‘mild stroke’ that he recently suffered.

Along with rapid access to medical care, it is essential for optimising outcomes and reducing the risk of disability or death.

Zerodha's Nithin Kamath suffers ‘mild stroke’: How to recognise early signs, urgent actions for brain's heart attack (File Photo)