Special trains for Maha Kumbh Mela from Visakhapatnam3Photo© news18.com

Special trains for Maha Kumbh Mela from Visakhapatnam

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The Maha Kumbh Mel attracts millions of pilgrims from all over India and the world. In addition to being a religious assembly, it is a social, spiritual, and cultural phenomenon that embodies India’s rich customs and legacy.

However, what distinguishes the Maha Kumbh as a genuinely international event? Here are the elements that make it significant on a global scale.

The spiritual significance of the Maha Kumbh Mela lies at its core. Hindu mythology is the foundation of the celebration, which holds that ritually immersing oneself in one of the holy rivers—especially the Ganges—will absolve followers of their sins and grant them freedom from the cycle of life and death.