Sikh Girl Allowed To Wear Turban By Bengaluru College Amid Hijab Row©

Sikh Girl Allowed To Wear Turban By Bengaluru College Amid Hijab Row

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The toxic controversy in Karnataka over hijabs in classrooms risked chiselling a new fault line with a college in Bengaluru requesting a Sikh girl to remove her turban and eventually allowing her - as well as Muslim students with headscarves - after her family refused to comply.

In a temporary order pending the consideration of all petitions related to the hijab row, the Karnataka High Court had restrained all students in the state from wearing saffron shawls, scarves, hijab and any religious flag within the classroom earlier this month.

Authorities at the Mount Carmel PU College said they informed students about the court order when the educational institution reopened on February 16.