Review: Siddhant Chaturvedi's Yudhra Is Relentlessly Violent8Photo1Video©

Review: Siddhant Chaturvedi's Yudhra Is Relentlessly Violent

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A boy born angry - very, very angry - grows up to be a young man prone to flying off the handle at the slightest pretext. He is rusticated from school for nearly killing a classmate. Years later, as a trainee cadet, he beats a man to pulp.

Welcome to the world of the eponymous protagonist of Yudhra, a perpetually fuming guy whose revenge saga begins in the womb of his mother. She dies minutes before the boy is delivered. He carries the burden of that tragedy all through the film although, not surprisingly, it is only one-third of the way in that he learns of the circumstances of his birth.

Residual anger frequently blows up into all-consuming fury. It causes the orphan (played by Siddhant Chaturvedi) much trouble and grief. His well-wishers, colleagues of his deceased police officer-father, have a hard time dealing with his meltdowns.