Pollster Chief Says Open To Probe Over Allegations Of Stock Market Manipulation Through Exit Po6Photo© hindustantimes.com

Pollster Chief Says Open To Probe Over Allegations Of Stock Market Manipulation Through Exit Po

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Opposition parties have sought a ban and investigations by SEBI and a Joint Parliamentary Committee, alleging that the stock market surged after exit polls predicted a landslide victory for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), but plummeted when the election results did not give a clear majority to the party.

“First they used to call exit polls unscientific, now they want exit polls to be banned. These are childish talks. Every single citizen and organisation wants to know the election results and banning exit polls would serve no purpose. Exit polls are not just to tell who is winning and losing, it also helps political parties analyse the result,” Gupta told in an interview to PTI.

Gupta said that Axis My India has no stock market ties and welcomed investigations to prove their integrity.