Now, Dhanbad MLA gets BJP notice for not taking part in poll programmes4Photo©

Now, Dhanbad MLA gets BJP notice for not taking part in poll programmes

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Senior BJP leader Jayant Sinha on Wednesday said he was "surprised" to receive a show cause notice from the BJP on why he did not vote in the Lok Sabha polls and participate in any election campaigning.

In response to BJP's Jharkhand general secretary Aditya Sahu, Sinha said he voted through the postal ballot process as he was overseas due to "pressing personal commitments".

"If the party had wanted me to participate in any election activities, you could surely have contacted me. However, not a single senior party official or MP/MLA from Jharkhand reached out to me post my announcement on March 2. I was not invited for any party events, rallies, or organisational meetings," he wrote.