Muhammad Yunus slams Sheikh Hasina for making remarks on Bangladesh from India8Photo©

Muhammad Yunus slams Sheikh Hasina for making remarks on Bangladesh from India

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“If India wants to keep her until the time Bangladesh (government) wants her back, the condition would be that she has to keep quiet…She is there in India, and at times, she is talking, which is problematic. Had she been quiet, we would have forgotten it; people would have also forgotten it as she would have been in her own world. But sitting in India, she is speaking and giving instructions. No one likes it,” Yunus told news agency PTI.

Yunus was referring to Hasina's remarks from August 13, wherein she demanded justice, adding that those involved in recent “terror acts”, killings and vandalism must be “investigated and punished”.

According to Yunus, Hasina's comments are “not good for Bangladesh or for India.”

“There is discomfort regarding it,” he told PTI.