Meet woman who donated Rs 630000000, has net worth of Rs 288350000000, she is richest female in…her company is…5Photo©

Meet woman who donated Rs 630000000, has net worth of Rs 288350000000, she is richest female in…her company is…

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Not everybody can juggle character and beauty, but Natasha Poonawalla could most definitely make a competent reference. A well-known businesswoman and style icon from India, Natasha's passion for fashion and design is as lush as her influential role as the executive director of the Serum Institute of India (SII)--one of the largest vaccine producers in the world. Often nicknamed "Ms. Vaccine", she is also known as a philanthropist and wife of Adar Poonawalla.

Natasha is more sure-footed in her command at modern fashion than almost anyone. Sometimes draped into avant-garde couture, sometimes a luxury handbag--Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Dior--she wears fashion very, very well indeed.

Being born and raised in Pune, Natasha was first schooled, was graduated there, and is now pursuing her Master’s in Organizational Behaviour from the credible London School of Economics. While assisting SII, she also gives her efforts to aid creative and strategic developments in companies within the Cyrus Poonawalla Group.