Hina Khan diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer: Preventive measures and symptoms to look out for13Photo© hindustantimes.com

Hina Khan diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer: Preventive measures and symptoms to look out for

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Actor Hina Khan left her fans shocked and devastated on Friday, June 28 when she shared news of her stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis. An excerpt from her note read, "To address the recent rumour, I want to share some important news with all the Hinaholics and everyone who loves and cares for me. I have been diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer".

The note went on to assert how Hina was absolutely determined to overcome the disease. Needless to say, the comments section of the saddening announcement soon stood flooded with messages from fans and industry peers voicing concern and support. The news of Hina's diagnosis once again draws attention to breast cancer and what one can do to enable early detection or better yet, prevent it.

Hina Khan diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer

As per an American Cancer Society report, the most obvious sign to look out for is a lump or mass in your breast. A hard mass with irregular edges is the more common symptom of breast cancer though some cancers can also result in tender and painful lumps. That being said, a lump is not the only sign of breast cancer.