Find $1 trillion/year for developing world by 2030, COP29 told5Photo©

Find $1 trillion/year for developing world by 2030, COP29 told

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India at COP29 drew attention to the devastating impacts of climate change on the Global South and called on developed nations to realise and fulfil their responsibility for stronger climate action.

Intervening on behalf of Like-Minded Developing Countries (LMDCs) at the High-Level Ministerial on Climate Finance at the UN Climate Summit in Baku, India pushed for at least $1.3 trillion every year till 2030 to be mobilised by the developed countries through grants, concessional finance and non-debt-inducing support.

This support must address the changing needs and priorities of the developing countries, without imposing any growth-restricting conditions on the provisions of finance, it emphasised.