'Finally travelling in same direction': BJP's Baijayant Jay Panda shares selfie with Shashi Tharoor4Photo© hindustantimes.com

'Finally travelling in same direction': BJP's Baijayant Jay Panda shares selfie with Shashi Tharoor

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Congress MP Shashi Tharoor's praises for his political rivals in Kerala had raised a storm within his party. His selfies with opponents raised eyebrows, speculations of a rift flew, and the central leadership had to resort to damage control. But the former diplomat appears to have decided not to allow such speculations anymore.

The latest instance involves a smiling selfie of Mr Tharoor with BJP MP Baijayant Jay Panda on a flight. Mr Panda shared the photo last night, "mischievously" suggesting that two were travelling in the "same direction".

"My friend & fellow traveler called me mischievous for saying that we seem to be finally travelling in the same direction," said Mr Panda.