Canada's Second-Largest Airline Cancels 407 Flights After Workers Strike, Affecting 49,000 Flyers3Photo©

Canada's Second-Largest Airline Cancels 407 Flights After Workers Strike, Affecting 49,000 Flyers

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Canada’s second-largest airline, WestJet, said on Saturday that it has canceled over 400 flights affecting over 49,000 passengers after the carrier and the union representing its striking mechanics failed to reach an agreement.

“As a result of the unions blatant efforts to disrupt the travel plans of thousands of Canadians over July long weekend, WestJet has cancelled a total of 407 flights to maintain stability across its remaining operation. WestJet continues to seek intervention, while exploring every possible avenue for resolution,” the WestJet said in a statement.

Met with WestJet and AMFA this evening. I told them they needed to work together with the Canada Industrial Relations Board to resolve their differences and get their first agreement done.There’s a lot at stake here. Canadians need this resolved.