Statements by Master of ceremonies
“ We will invite bids and the lowest one will get the contract. Maximum limit is ₹1,500, similar to last year,
Master of ceremonies,
Garbage centres in Mohali set to undergo ₹2-cr revamp
“ The two new processing plants installed by the new contractor are expected to start by Friday, following which we are hoping to get absolute relief from the garbage issues in the city,
Master of ceremonies,
Garbage centres in Mohali set to undergo ₹2-cr revamp
“ GMADA will also give us ₹10 crore for maintenance of three roads--YPS chowk road, road near Sohana Gurdwara and Bestech Square Mall. The tenders for the same has already been floated. We will start…
Master of ceremonies,
Smooth rides on the way as carpeting of Mohali roads to begin in April