Statements by Pratap Singh
“ This is a single-lane internal road, which was never meant for high-speed driving. The heavy inflow of vehicles from Panchkula exacerbates the risk of accidents. Installing dividers and enforcing a no…
Pratap Singh,
Chandigarh Police to declare no-overtaking zone at Porsche crash site
“ A total of 112kg rice bran oil, meant for sale, was stored in filthy conditions, which is why it was seized. We are also conducting searches to ensure that no other stock of this oil has been dumped…
Pratap Singh,
Crackdown on food adulteration: 112 kg rice bran oil destroyed,…
“ The water quality at Sangam is fit for bathing according to the water sample report. Level of fecal coliform was reported 2400 mpn/100 ml, which is within prescribed limit and fit for bathing. We have…
Pratap Singh,
UPPCB contradicts CPCB report, says Sangam water fit for bathing