Game of Thrones: Fan petition to remake season 8 with better writers receives more than 1 mn signatures4Photo©

Game of Thrones: Fan petition to remake season 8 with better writers receives more than 1 mn signatures

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Game of Thrones fans have been dissecting the series finale -- and complaining about it -- for two days now, but they may get another shot at elation, or disappointment. Author George R.R. Martin has suggested the ending could be very different from the one seen worldwide when he finally publishes the final two books in the saga. HBO showrunners David Benioff and D.B.

Weiss were forced to come up with their own climax to the blood-spattered tale of noble families vying for the Iron Throne when Martin stalled on his publishing. Though, they had some guidance from Martin's advice, fans revolted over the eighth and final season of the Emmy-winning series with nearly 1.4 million signing a petition asking for a do-over as of Tuesday.

Fans have been waiting for the next book, The Winds of Winter, for years. Martin says he's still writing it. After that, the final book will be called A Dream of Spring. "I'm writing. Winter is coming, I told you, long ago... and so it is. The Winds Of Winter is very late, I know, I know, but it will be done," the 70-year-old Martin wrote in a blog post published late Monday.