Filmmaker Siddique passes away2Photo©

Filmmaker Siddique passes away

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Siddiqui Passes Away: The revered figure in the world of south industry. Famous director of the industry has said goodbye to the world at the age of 63. As per reports, Siddiqui was hurriedly admitted to a hospital in Kochi on Monday due to a heart attack. But by the time he reached the hospital, his condition became very serious.

At the same time, the doctors in the hospital tried their best to save him, but they could not succeed. Born with an innate passion for the art of filmmaking, he embarked on his journey at an early age, honing his skills and cultivating a unique cinematic perspective that would later captivate audiences around the globe. Tragically, Siddique's life was cut short by an unexpected cardiac arrest.

His untimely demise sent shockwaves through the film industry and beyond, leaving a void that can never truly be filled. The legacy he leaves behind serves as a testament to his unparalleled contributions to the world of cinema and his unwavering dedication to the craft he loved.